


所属 生物資源学部
職名 准教授
研究室 生物資源学部棟420号室 (内線 3420) (内線 3420)
E-mail matsuita (末尾に「」をつけてください)
最終学歴 九州工業大学大学院情報工学研究科
学位 博士(情報工学)
所属学会 日本生化学会
職歴 2005年 久留米大学 研究員
2008年 久留米大学医学部 研究員
2010年 同 助教
2012年 同 講師
2019年 同 准教授
2023年 福井県立大学生物資源学部 准教授


専門 血管生物学、食品機能学
研究活動の紹介 健やかに老いる「ウエルエイジング」に寄与する食品中の機能性成分を、福井県農産物から探します。
キーワード AGEs、終末糖化産物、機能性成分、核酸医薬品、スルフォラファン、ウエルエイジング


Koga Y, Sotokawauchi A, Higashimoto Y, Nishino Y, Hashizume N, Kakuma T, Akiba J, Tanaka Y, Matsui* T, Yagi M, Yamagishi SI. DNA-Aptamer Raised against Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products Improves Survival Rate in Septic Mice. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021: 9932311, 2021.
Tsuruhisa S, Matsui T*, Koga Y, Sotokawauchi A, Yagi M, Yamagishi SI. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits advanced glycation end product-induced proliferation, VEGF and MMP-9 expression in breast cancer cells via interaction with laminin receptor. Oncol Lett. 22(2): 629, 2021.
Sotokawauchi A, Matsui T*, Higashimoto Y, Nishino Y, Koga Y, Yagi M, Yamagishi SI. DNA aptamer raised against receptor for advanced glycation end products suppresses renal tubular damage and improves insulin resistance in diabetic mice. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 18(1): 1479164121990533, 2021.
Matsui T*, Ishibashi Y, Sotokawauchi A, Isami F, Abe Y, Yamagishi SI. Butanolic Extract of Noni Inhibits Proliferation, Inflammation, and Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin Kexin Type 9 (PCSK9) Expression in Cultured Smooth Muscle Cells. Natural Prod Commun. 15(6): 1-7, 2020.
Nakamura N, Matsui T*, Nishino Y, Sotokawauchi A, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi SI. Long-Term Local Injection of RAGE-Aptamer Suppresses the Growth of Malignant Melanoma in Nude Mice. J Oncol. 2019:7387601, 2019.
Sotokawauchi A, Matsui T*, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi SI. Fructose causes endothelial cell damage via activation of advanced glycation end products–receptor system. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 16(6):556-561, 2019.
Nakamura N, Matsui T*, Ishibashi Y, Sotokawauchi A, Fukami K, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi SI. RAGE-aptamer Attenuates the Growth and Liver Metastasis of Malignant Melanoma in Nude Mice. Mol Med. 23:295-306, 2017.
Ishibashi Y, Matsui T*, Nakamura N, Sotokawauchi A, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi SI. Methylglyoxal-derived hydroimidazolone-1 evokes inflammatory reactions in endothelial cells via an interaction with receptor for advanced glycation end products. Diab Vasc Dis Res. 14:450-453, 2017.
Matsui T*, Higashimoto Y, Nishino Y, Nakamura N, Fukami K, Yamagishi SI. RAGE-Aptamer Blocks the Development and Progression of Experimental Diabetic Nephropathy. Diabetes. 66:1683-1695, 2017.
Matsui T*, Nakamura N, Ojima A, Nishino Y, Yamagishi SI. Sulforaphane reduces advanced glycation end products (AGEs)-induced inflammation in endothelial cells and rat aorta. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 26:797-807, 2016.
Matsui T*, Ojima A, Higashimoto Y, Taira J, Fukami K, Yamagishi SI. Pigment epithelium-derived factor inhibits caveolin-induced interleukin-8 gene expression and proliferation of human prostate cancer cells. Oncol Lett. 10:2644-2648, 2015.
Matsui T*, Joo HD, Lee JM, Ju SM, Tao WH, Higashimoto Y, Fukami K, Yamagishi S. Development of a monoclonal antibody-based ELISA system for glyceraldehyde-derived advanced glycation end products. Immunol Lett. 167:141-146, 2015.
Matsui T*, Nakashima S, Nishino Y, Ojima A, Nakamura N, Arima K, Fukami K, Okuda S, Yamagishi S. Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 deficiency protects against experimental diabetic nephropathy partly by blocking the advanced glycation end products-receptor axis. Lab Investig. 95:525-533, 2015.
Matsui T*, Oda E, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi S. Glyceraldehyde-derived pyridinium (GLAP) evokes oxidative stress and inflammatory and thrombogenic reactions in endothelial cells via the interaction with RAGE. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 14:1, 2015.
Matsui T*, Nishino Y, Ojima A, Maeda S, Tahara N, Yamagishi SI. Pigment epithelium-derived factor improves metabolic derangements and ameliorates dysregulation of adipocytokines in obese type 2 diabetic rats. Am J Pathol. 184:1094-1103, 2014.
Matsui T*, Higashimoto Y, Yamagishi S. Laminin receptor mediates anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombogenic effects of pigment epithelium-derived factor in myeloma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 443:847-851, 2014.
Matsui T*, Higashimoto Y, Taira J, Yamagishi S. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) binds to caveolin-1 and inhibits the pro-inflammatory effects of caveolin-1 in endothelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 441:405-410, 2013.
Matsui T*, Nishino Y, Maeda S, Yamagishi S. PEDF-derived peptide inhibits corneal angiogenesis by suppressing VEGF expression. Microvasc Res. 84:105-108, 2012.
Matsui T*, Nishino Y, Takeuchi M, Yamagishi S. Vildagliptin blocks vascular injury in thoracic aorta of diabetic rats by suppressing advanced glycation end product-receptor axis. Pharmacol Res. 63:383-388, 2011.
Matsui T*, Nishino Y, Maeda S, Takeuchi M, Yamagishi S. Irbesartan inhibits advanced glycation end product (AGE)-induced up-regulation of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mRNA levels in glomerular endothelial cells. Microvasc Res. 81:269-273, 2011.

松井孝憲, 山岸昌一 まいたけ抽出物による終末糖化産物形成阻害作用 Inhibition of formation of advanced glycation end products by Maitake extracts. Diabetes Frontier Online 10, e1-001, 2023.


日本抗加齢医学会 評議員


担当科目 学部:農産物利用学(2年次)、生物学実験(1年次)、生物化学実験(2年次)、応用生物学実験(2年次)
オフィスアワー 月~金:10-17時
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど 終末糖化産物の阻害とウエルエイジング、食品由来の機能性成分の活用、核酸医薬品アプタマーの開発
