
松林 順まつばやし じゅん


所属 海洋生物資源学部 / 海洋生物資源学科
職名 准教授
研究室 海洋生物資源学部講義棟教員研究室 (内線 9600)
E-mail matsuj (末尾に「」をつけてください)
最終学歴 京都大学大学院理学研究科博士後期課程終了
学位 博士(理学)
所属学会 日本生態学会
職歴 2012.4 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)
2015.4 総合地球環境学研究所 研究推進支援員
2017.4 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
2020.4 中央大学 人間総合理工学科 助教
2021.4 水産研究・教育機構水産資源研究所 研究員
2022.4 水産研究・教育機構水産資源研究所 主任研究員
2023.4 現職


専門 同位体生態学
研究活動の紹介 生物を介した物質移動や生態系間のネットワークを評価する研究およびその手法開発に取り組んでいます。特に、異なる生態系をまたぐ移動をする生物(サケ、鳥類など)やそれらの生態系間の有機的なつながりを媒介する生物(ヒグマ、エゾオオカミなど)、長距離を回遊する生物(カツオ・マグロなど)に着目しています。このような生物が織りなす、目で見ることが難しい食物連鎖によるつながりや海洋生物の移動を評価するために、主に同位体分析というツールを使って研究を進めています。
キーワード 食物網・回遊・同位体・物質循環


[24] Matsubayashi, J., Katsuya, K., Ohkouchi, N., Ogawa, N.O., Ishikawa, N.F., Chikaraishi, Y., Tsuda, Y., Minami, H. 2022. Using geostatistical analysis for simultaneous estimation of isoscapes and ontogenetic shifts in isotope ratios of highly migratory marine fish. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9: 1049056.
[23] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J. 2022. Foliar chlorophyll concentration modulates the degree of fungal exploitation in a rhizoctonia-associated orchid. Journal of Experimental Botany, 73: 4204–4213.
[22] Ishikawa, N. F., Tadokoro, K., Matsubayashi, J., Ohkouchi, N. 2022. Biomass Pyramids of Marine Mesozooplankton Communities as Inferred From Their Integrated Trophic Positions. Ecosystems (in press) doi:
[21] 佐藤孝雄, 松林順, 米田穣. 2022. 羅臼町オタフク岩洞窟と北見市中ノ島遺跡から出土したヒグマ遺体の放射性炭素年代 ―「熊送り」儀礼の起源と前近代の挙行形態をめぐって―. 動物考古学, 39: 31-43.
[20] Osada, Y., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2021. Diagnosing underdetermination in stable isotope mixing models. PLOS ONE, 16: e0257818.
[19] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J. 2021. Subterranean morphology modulates the degree of mycoheterotrophy in a green orchid Calypso bulbosa exploiting wood-decaying fungi. Functional Ecology, (in press:
[18] Sakiyama, T., Morimoto, J., Matsubayashi, J., Furukawa, Y., Kondo, M., Tsuruga, H., Mano, T., Nakamura, F. 2021. Factors influencing lifespan dependency on agricultural crops by brown bears. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 17: 351-362.
[17] Suetsugu, K., Yamato, M., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2020. Partial and full mycoheterotrophy in green and albino phenotypes of the slipper orchid Cypripedium debile. Mycorrhiza, 31: 301-312.
[16] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J. 2020. Evidence for mycorrhizal cheating in Apostasia nipponica, an early-diverging member of the Orchidaceae. New Phytologist, 229: 2302-2310.
[15] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2020. Use of radiocarbon for assessing the mycorrhizal status of mycoheterotrophic plants. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 15: 1785667.
[14] Shutoh, K. Tajima, Y., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I., Kato, S., Shiga, T., Suetsugu, K. 2020. Evidence for newly discovered albino mutants in a pyroloid: implication for the nutritional mode in the genus Pyrola. American Journal of Botany, 107: 650-657.
[13] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J., Ogawa, N. O., Murata, S., Sato, R., Tomimatsu, H. 2020. Isotopic evidence of arbuscular mycorrhizal cheating in a grassland gentian species. Oecologia, 192: 929–937.
[12] Matsubayashi, J., Osada, Y., Tadokoro, K., Abe, Y., Yamaguchi, A., Shirai, K., Honda, K., Yoshikawa, C., Ogawa, N. O., Ohkouchi, N., Ishikawa, N. F., Nagata, T., Miyamoto, H., Nishino, S., Tayasu, I. 2020. Tracking long-distance migration of marine fishes using compound-specific stable isotope analysis of amino acids. Ecology Letters, 23: 881–890.
[11] Suetsugu, K., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2020. Some mycoheterotrophic orchids depend on carbon from dead wood: Novel evidence from a radiocarbon approach. New Phytologist, 227: 1519–1529.
[10] Suetsugu, K., Yamato, M., Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2019. Comparative study of nutritional mode and mycorrhizal fungi in green and albino variants of Goodyera velutina, an orchid mainly utilizing saprotrophic rhizoctonia. Molecular Ecology, 28: 4290–4299.
[9] Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I. 2019. Collagen turnover and isotopic records in cortical bone. Journal of Archaeological Science, 106: 37–44.
[8] Matsubayashi, J., Umezawa, Y., Matsuyama, M., Kawabe, R., Mei, W., Wan, X., Shimomae, A., Tayasu, I. 2019. Using segmental isotope analysis of teleost fish vertebrae to estimate trophic discrimination factors of bone collagen. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 17: 87–96.
[7] Saitoh, Y., Nakano, T., Shin, K., Matsubayashi, J., Kato, Y., Amakawa, H., Osada, Y., Yoshimizu, C., Okuda, N., Amano, Y., Togashi, H., Kurita, Y., Tayasu, I. 2018. Utility of Nd isotope ratio as a tracer of marine animals: regional variation in coastal seas and causal factors. Ecosphere, 9: e02365.
[6] Matsubayashi, J., Saitoh, Y., Osada, Y., Uehara, Y., Habu, J., Sasaki, T., Tayasu, I. 2017. Incremental analysis of vertebral centra can reconstruct the stable isotope chronology of teleost fishes. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1755–1763.
[5] Matsubayashi, J., Ohta, T., Takahashi, O., Tayasu, I. 2017. Reconstruction of the extinct Ezo wolf's diet. Journal of Zoology, 302: 88–93.
[4] Matsubayashi, J., Tayasu, I., Morimoto, J.O., Mano, T. 2016. Testing for a predicted decrease in body size in brown bears (Ursus arctos) based on a historical shift in diet. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 94: 489–495.
[3] Matsubayashi, J., Otsubo, K., Morimoto, J.O., Nakamura, F., Nose, T., Tayasu, I. 2016. Feeding habits may explain the morphological uniqueness of brown bears on Etorofu Island, Southern Kuril Islands in East Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 119: 99–105.
[2] Matsubayashi, J., Morimoto, J. O., Tayasu, I., Mano, T., Nakajima, M., Takahashi, O., Kobayashi, K., Nakamura, F. 2015. Major decline in marine and terrestrial animal consumption by brown bears (Ursus arctos). Scientific Reports 5: 9203.
[1] Matsubayashi, J., Morimoto, J., Mano, T., Aryal, A., Nakamura, F. 2014. Using stables isotopes to understand the feeding ecology of the Hokkaido brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Japan. Ursus, 25: 87–97.



担当科目 動物生態学、化学実験など
オフィスアワー 9時00分~17時30分
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど ・軽元素同位体比を用いた生態学研究(生物の移動・回遊、食物網解析、食性解析、起源推定など)
