
末武 弘章すえたけ ひろあき


所属 海洋生物資源学部 / 海洋生物資源学科、生物資源学研究科
職名 教授
研究室 かつみキャンパス研究講義棟 教員ラボ内 (内線 0770-52-7305(407))
E-mail suetake (末尾に「」をつけてください)
最終学歴 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科博士課程修了
学位 博士(農学)
所属学会 日本比較免疫学会
職歴 2000年 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科リサーチアソシエイト
2000年 東京大学助手
2007年 東京大学助教
2010年 福井県立大学海洋生物資源学部准教授、福井県立大学大学院生物資源学研究科准教授
2013年 東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科非常勤講師(兼任)
2015年 マックスプランク免疫生物学エピジェネティクス研究所客員研究員(兼任)
2019年 現職       
2019年 福井大学医学部医学科非常勤講師(兼任)                              2022年 岩手大学農学部招へい講師(兼任)


専門 魚類生理学
研究活動の紹介 魚類も病気にならないように免疫系を持っています。しかし、その仕組みは十分には解明されていないのが現状です。これまでに、免疫に関わる細胞を同定し、この仕組みがどのように動き出すのかを明らかにすることができました。これからは、体の中で効率よく病原体と免疫細胞が出会い、免疫の仕組みが動き出す場所はどこなのか、そしてその場所がいかにしてできるのかを明らかにしたいと考えています。こうした研究は、薬に頼らず、魚類自身の免疫力を活かして魚病の発生を防ぐ技術の開発につながるものであり、世界中の人たちが安心安全な魚を食べられるようになるための基盤となる研究であると考えています。
キーワード 魚類、獲得免疫、白血球、リンパ器官、粘膜組織


鈴木譲,末武弘章 (2013):第12章 生体防御,増補改訂版 魚類生理学の基礎(会田勝美、金子豊二編),恒星社厚生閣

鈴木譲,末武弘章 (2005):トラフグを中心に魚類体表の生体防御機構をさぐる 竹井祥郎編「海洋生物の機能‐生命は海にどう適応しているか」,海洋生命系のダイナミクス第2巻,東海大学出版会

Kataaki Okubo, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Masafumi Amano, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (2003): The GnRH system in teleosts. Aquatic Genomics-Steps toward a Great Future (Eds: Shimizu N, Aoki T, Hirono I, Takashima F). Springer-Verlag.

Hiroaki Suetake, Kataaki Okubo, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, and Katsumi Aida (2003): GTH and GnRH molecules and their expressions in Japanese eel. Eel biology (Eds: Katsumi Aida , Tsukamoto K, Yamauchi K). Springer-Verlag.

Myung-Hee Kim, Masafumi Amano, Hiroaki Suetake, Makito Kobayashi, and Katsumi Aida (1997): GnRH neurons and gonadal maturation in masu salmon and goldfish. GnRH Neurons: Gene to Behavior (Eds: Parhar IS, Sakuma Y). Brain shuppan.

菊池潔,甲斐渉,細谷将,田角聡志,末武弘章,宮台 俊明,鈴木譲(2012)トラフグのゲノム地図の作製とその応用―性決定遺伝子、性統御、 比較ゲノム解析を中心に―.水産育種,41,141-151

菊池潔、甲斐渉、細谷将、末武弘章、鈴木譲 (2010)フグ類の多様化をもたらした遺伝子の探索 -種間交雑を利用したゲノムワイドマッピング- . 月刊海洋 42, 363-371.

Hiroaki Suetake, Nil Ratan Saha, Kyosuke Araki, Kanako Akatsu, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): Lymphocyte surface marker genes in fugu. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D, 1, 102-108. (責任著者)

Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Masaki Okamoto, Satoshi Tasumi, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): Novel mannose-specific lectins found in fugu, Takifugu rubripes: A review. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D, 1, 122-127.

Yuzuru Suzuki, Satoshi Tasumi, Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Masaki Okamoto, Hiroaki Suetake (2003): Molecular diversity of skin mucus lectins in fish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B, 136, 723-730.

Makito Kobayashi, Masafumi Amano, Myung-Hee Kim, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Yong-Chang Sohn, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (1997): Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin in goldfish and masu salmon. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 17, 1-8.

(原著論文 レフリー制)
Maeda T, Suetake H, Odaka T, Miyadai T(2018) Original ligand for LTbetaR is LIGHT: Insight into evolution of the LT/LTbetaR system. J. Immunol. 201:202-214. (責任著者)

Odaka T, Suetake H, Maeda T, Miyadai T (2018) Teleost basophils have IgM-dependent and dual Ig-independent degranulation systems. J. Immunol. 200:2767-2776. (責任著者,2018年度日本比較免疫学会古田優秀論文賞受賞論文)

Matsumoto M, Araki K, Hayashi K, Takeuchi Y, Shiozaki K, Suetake H, Yamamoto A (2017) Adjuvant effect of recombinant inteleukon-12 in the Nocardiosis formalin-killed vaccine of the amberjack Seriola dumerilli. Fish Shellfish. Immunol. 67:263-269.

Igarashi K, Matsunaga R, Hirakawa S, Hosoya S, Suetake H, Kikuchi K, Suzuki Y, Nakamura O, Miyadai T, Tasumi S, Tsutsui S (2017) Mucosal IgM antibody with d-mannose affinity in fugu Takifugu rubripes is utilized by a Monogenean parasite Heterobothrium okamotoi for host recognition. J. Immunol. 198: 4107-4114.

Matsumoto M, Hayashi K, Suetake H, Yamamoto A, Araki K (2016) Identification and functional characterization of multiple interleukin 12 in amberjack (Seriola dumerili). Fish Shellfish. Immunol. 55:281-292.

Hosoya S, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Kikuchi K (2015) Genetic Basis Underlying Behavioral Correlation Between Fugu Takifugu rubripes and a Closely Related Species, Takifugu niphobles.Behav Genet. 45: 560-572.

Matsunaga T, Ieda R, Hosoya S, Kuroyanagi M, Suzuki S, Suetake H, Tasumi S, Suzuki Y, Miyadai T, Kikuchi K (2014) An efficient molecular technique for sexing tiger pufferfish (fugu) and the occurrence of sex reversal in a hatchery population. Fish. Sci. 80: 933-942.(日本水産学会平成26年度論文賞)

Tsutsui S, Ariji T, Sato A, Yoshida T, Yamamura N, Odaka T, Araki K, Suetake H, Miyadai T, Nakamura O (2013) GlcNAc-binding IgM of fugu (Takifugu rubripes) suppresses the growth of fish pathogenic bacteria: A novel function of teleost antibody. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 41: 20-26.

Sudo R, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2013) Profiles of mRNA expression for prolactin, growth hormone, and somatolactin in Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica: the effect of salinity, silvering and seasonal change. Comp Biol. Physiol Part A. 164:10-16.

Hosoya S, Kai W, Fujita M, Miyaki K, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Kikuchi K (2012) The genetic architecture of growth rate in juvenile Takifugu species. Evolution. 67:590-598.

Kamiya T, Kai W, Tasumi S, Oka A, Matsunaga T, Mizuno N, Fujita M, Suetake H, Suzuki S, Hosoya S, Tohari S, Brenner S, Miyadai T, Venkatesh B, Suzuki Y, Kikuchi K (2012) A Trans-Species Missense SNP in Amhr2 Is Associated with Sex Determination in the Tiger Pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes (Fugu). PLoS Genet. 8: e1002798.

Kaneda M, Odaka T, Suetake H, Tahara D, Miyadai T (2012) Teleost IL-6 promotes antibody production through STAT3 signaling via IL-6R and gp130. Dev Comp Immunol. 38:224-231.

Kawabe M, Suetake H, Kikuchi K, Suzuki Y (2012) Early T-cell and thymus development in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Fisheries Sci. 78:539-547.

Tsutsui S, Okamoto M, Ono M, Suetake H, Kikuchi K, Nakamura O, Suzuki Y, Watanabe T (2011) A new type of lectin discovered in a fish, flathead (Platycephalus indicus), suggests an alternative functional role for mammalian plasma kallikrein. Glycobiology. 21: 1580-1587.

Kai W, Kikuchi K, Tohari S, Chew AK, Tay A, Fujiwara A, Hosoya S, Suetake H, Naruse K, Brenner S, Suzuki Y, Venkatesh B (2011) Integration of the genetic map and genome assembly of Fugu facilitates insights into distinct features of genome evolution in teleosts and mammals. Genome Biology and Evolution. 3: 424-442.

Sudo R, Tosaka R, Ijiri S, Adachi S, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Horie N, Tanaka S, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2011) Effect of temperature decrease on oocyte development, sex steroids and gonadotropin β-subunit mRNA expression levels in female Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Fiseries Sci. 77: 575-582.

Toda H, Saito Y, Koike T, Takizawa F, Araki K, Yabu T, Somamoto T, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Ototake M, Moritomo T, Nakanishi T (2011) Conservation of characteristics and functions of CD4 positive lymphocytes in a teleost fish. Dev Comp Immunol. 35: 650-660.

Odaka T, Tsutsui S, Sugamata R, Suetake H, Miyadai T, Suzuki Y, Watanabe T, Nakamura O (2011) The plasmablast-like leukocyte in the kidney of fugu (Takifugu rubripes). Fish Shellfish Immuol. 30: 682-690.

Yamaguchi T, Katakura F, Shitanda S, Niida Y, Toda H, Ohtani M, Yabu T, Suetake H, Moritomo T, Nakanishi T (2011) Clonal growth of carp (Cyprinus carpio) T cells in vitro. Dev Comp Immunol, 35, 193-202.

Sudo R, Suetake H, Suzuki Y, Utoh T, Tanaka S, Aoyama J, Tsukamoto K (2011) Dynamics of reproductive hormones during downstream migration in female Japanese eels, Anguilla japonica. Zool Sci. 28:180-188.(ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Award 2012(日本動物学会論文賞))

Ryuichi Sugamata, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2009): Teleost B7 expressed on monocytes regulates T cell responses. Journal of Immunology, 182, 6799-6806. (責任著者)

Kyosuke Araki, Kanako Akatsu, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2008): Characterization of CD8 positive leukocytes in fugu (Takifugu rubripes) with antiserum against fugu CD8α. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 32, 850-858. (責任著者)

Nil Ratan Saha, Jin-Xin Bei, Hiroaki Suetake, Kyosuke Araki, Wataru Kai, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Hao-Ran Lin, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2007): Description of a fugu CXC chemokine and two CXC receptor genes, and characterization of the effects of different stimulators on their expression. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 23, 1324-1332.

Hiroaki Suetake, Kyosuke Araki, Kanako Akatsu, Tomonori Somamoto, Johannes Martinus Dijkstra, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2007): Genomic organization and expression of CD8α and CD8β genes in fugu Takifugu rubripes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 23, 1107-1118.(責任著者)

Koji Hamuro, Hiroaki Suetake, Nil Ratan Saha, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2007): A teleost polymeric Ig receptor exhibiting two Ig-like domains transports tetrameric IgM into the skin. Journal of Immunology, 178, 5682-5689.(責任著者)

Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Wataru Kai, Ayumi Hosokawa, Naoki Mizuno, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Asahina, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2007): The sex-determining locus in the tiger pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes. Genetics, 175, 2039-2042.

Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Satoshi Tasumi, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): The carbohydrate-binding site of a novel mannose-specific lectin from the skin mucus of fugu (Takifugu rubripes). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B, 143, 514-519.

Nil Ratan Saha, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): Effects of steroid hormones on the apoptosis and IgM production of LPS-stimulated lymphocytes in the fugu, Takifugu rubripes. Fisheries Science, 72, 136-142.

Kazuyoshi Hino, Osamu Nakamura, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Hiroaki Suetake, Yuzuru Suzuki, and Tasuku Watanabe (2006): TNF induces the growth of thymocytes in rainbow trout. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 30, 639-647.

Jin-Xin Bei, Hiroaki Suetake, Kyosuke Araki, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Hao-Ran Lin, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): Two interleukin (IL) -15 homologues in fish from two distinct origins. Molecular Immunology, 43, 860-869.(責任著者、同等寄与者)

Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Hidenori Nishikawa, Nobuhiro Mano, Hitomi Hirose, Hiroaki Suetake, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2006): Possible role of a skin mucus lectin in fugu (Takifugu rubripes) in excluding marine bacteria from the body surface to environmental water. Fisheries Science, 72, 455-457.

Wataru Kai, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Masashi Fujita, Hiroaki Suetake, Atsushi Fujiwara, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Mituru Ototake, Byrappa Venkatesh, Kadoo Miyaki, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2005): A genetic linkage map for the tiger pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes. Genetics, 171, 227-238.

Masaki Okamoto, Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Satoshi Tasumi, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2005): Tandem repeat L-rhamnose-binding lectin from the skin mucus of ponyfish, Leiognathus nuchalis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 333, 463-469.

Maiko Muramatsu-Uno, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Hiroaki Suetake, Daisuke Ikeda, and Shugo Watabe (2005): The complete genomic sequence of the carp fast skeletal myosin heavy chain gene. Gene, 349, 143-151.

Kyosuke Araki, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2005): Characterization and expression analysis of CD3ε and CD3γ/δ in fugu, Takifugu rubripes. Immunogenetics, 57, 158-163. (責任著者)

Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Satoshi Tasumi, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2005): Demonstration of the mucosal lectins in the epithelial cells of internal and external body surface tissues in pufferfish (Fugu rubripes). Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 29, 243-253.

Nil Ratan Saha, Hiroaki Suetake, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2005): Analysis and characterization of the expression of the secretory and membrane forms of IgM heavy chains in the pufferfish, Takifugu rubripes. Moleluclar Immunology, 42, 113-124.

Nil Ratan Saha, Hiroaki Suetake, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2004): Fugu immunoglobulin D: a highly unusual gene with unprecedented duplications in its constant region. Immunogenetics, 56, 438-447.(責任著者)

Hiroaki Suetake, Kyosuke Araki, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2004): Cloning, expression, and characterization of fugu CD4, the first ectothermic animal CD4. Immunogenetics, 56, 368-374.(責任著者)

Nil Ratan Saha, Hiroaki Suetake, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2004): Characterization and expression of the immunoglobulin light chain in the fugu: evidence of a solitaire type. Immunogenetics, 56, 47-55.

Shigeyuki Tsutsui, Satoshi Tasumi, Hiroaki Suetake, and Yuzuru Suzuki (2003): Lectins homologous to those of monocotyledonous plants in the skin mucus and intestine of pufferfish, Fugu rubripes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 20882-20889.

Daisuke Ikeda, Takuya Toramoto, Yoshihiro Ochiai, Hiroaki Suetake, Yuzuru Suzuki, Shinsei Minoshima, Nobuyoshi Shimizu, and Shugo Watabe (2003): Identification of novel tropomyosin 1 genes of pufferfish (Fugu rubripes) on genomic sequences and tissue distribution of their transcripts. Molecular Biology Reports, 30, 83-90.

Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Ikunari Kiryu, Atsushi Fujiwara, Hiroaki Suetake, Yuzuru Suzuki, Teruyuki Nakanishi, and Mitsuru Ototake (2003): Identification and characterization of Fugu orthologues of mammalian interleukin-12 subunits. Immunogenetics, 55, 296-306.

Hiroaki Suetake, Kataaki Okubo, Narumi Sato, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Yuzuru Suzuki, and Katsumi Aida (2002): Differential expression of two gonadotropin (GTH) β subunit genes during ovarian maturation induced by repeated injection of salmon GTH in the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Fisheries Science, 68, 290-298. (責任著者)

Satoshi Tasumi, Tsuyoshi Ohira, Ichiro Kawazoe, Hiroaki Suetake, Yuzuru Suzuki, and Katsumi Aida (2002): Primary structure and characteristics of a lectin from skin mucus of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, 27305-27311.

Kataaki Okubo, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (2002): Three mRNA species for mammalian-type gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the brain of the eel Anguilla japonica. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 192, 17-25.

Hiroaki Suetake, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Koichiro Gen, Motooki Ashihara, Makito Kobayashi, and Katsumi Aida (2000): Two salmon gonadotropin-releasing hormone genes and their differential expressions in the goldfish Carassius auratus. Fisheries Science, 66, 49-57. (責任著者)

Kataaki Okubo, Hiroaki Suetake, Takeshi Usami, and Katsumi Aida (2000): Molecular cloning and tissue-specific expression of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor in the Japanese eel. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 119, 181-192.

Kataaki Okubo, Masafumi Amano, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (2000) : A novel form of gonadotropin-releasing hormone in the medaka, Oryzias latipes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 276, 298-303.

Kataaki Okubo, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (1999): Expression of two gonadotropin- releasing hormone (GnRH) precursor genes in various tissues of the Japanese eel and evolution of GnRH. Zoological Science, 16, 471-478.

Kataaki Okubo, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (1999): A splicing variant for the prepro-mammalian gonadotropin-releasing hormone (prepro-mGnRH) mRNA is present in the brain and various peripheral tissues of the Japanese eel. Zoological Science, 16, 645-651.

Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Hiroaki Suetake, and Katsumi Aida (1999): Duality of gonadotropin in a primitive teleost, Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 114, 121-131.

Yong-Chang Sohn, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Hiroaki Suetake, Makito Kobayashi, and Katsumi Aida (1999): Isolation and characterization of the goldfish thyrotropin beta subunit gene including the 5'-flanking region. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 115, 463-473.

Kanta Mizusawa, Masayuki Iigo, Hiroaki Suetake, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Koichiro Gen, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Toshiyuki Okano, Yoshitaka Fukada, and Katsumi Aida (1998): Molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding the retinal arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase of the rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Zoological Science, 15, 345-351.

Atsushi Kobiyama, Yoshiaki Nihei, Yasushi Hirayama, Kiyoshi Kikuchi, Hiroaki Suetake, Ian A. Johnston, and Shugo Watabe (1998): Molecular cloning and developmental expression patterns of the MyoD and MEF2 families of muscle transcription factors in the carp. Journal of Experimantal Biology, 201, 2801-2813.

Yong-Chang Sohn, Hiroaki Suetake, Yasutoshi Yoshiura, Makito Kobayashi, and Katsumi Aida (1998): Structural and expression analyses of gonadotropin Iβ subunit genes in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Gene, 222, 257-267.

(原著論文 レフェリー無し)
菊池潔,甲斐渉,末武弘章,鈴木譲 (2008):トラフグのゲノムマップ計画と魚類養殖におけるゲノム情報の利用法.水産育種,38,25-30.

末武弘章・鈴木譲 (2006):硬骨魚の哺乳類IL-15ホモログ.生体の科学,57,518-519.

鈴木譲・末武弘章・田角聡志・筒井繁行・シャハニルラタン・宇佐美剛志・斎藤智子・羽室浩爾・湯本進一・中村修・渡辺翼 (2002):海洋生物の生体防御. 月刊海洋,号外29,70-75.


2007年 第19回日本比較免疫学会学術集会事務局長
2011-2012年度 福井県立若狭高校SSH事業講師
2012年-2016年 日本比較免疫学会学術集会担当役員
2015年 第27回日本比較免疫学会学術集会事務局長
2016年- 日本比較免疫学会庶務・会計担当役員
2016年- 日本水産学会中部支部幹事
2018年-2020年 日本水産学会中部支部事務局会計担当
2019年 令和元年度日本魚病学会秋季大会事務局長                            2020年- 日本比較免疫学会学術集会担当役員                                          2023年- 日本魚病学会, 評議員                                       2023年- 日本魚病学会, 編集委員


担当科目 動物生理学、水族病理学、海洋生物工学実験、生物学実験など
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど 魚類が病気から体を守るしくみ


・福井県立大学教員表彰 平成22年度
・ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE Award 2012(日本動物学会論文賞、共著)