Tanaka Yuki
- Profile
- Research Interest
- Selected Publications
- Social Activities
- Educational Activies
- Additional Information
Affiliation | Faculty of Marine Science and Technology / Department of Marine Bioscience |
Title | Associate Professor |
Room | Faculty of Marine Science and Technology 713 (Extension1713) |
y-tanaka ( at = @ ) | |
Website | |
Education | Ph.D. (Physical Oceanography), The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2010. |
Degree | |
Academic Societies | The Oceanographic Society of Japan Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) American Geophysical Union (AGU) Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) |
Career | Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2), Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, April 2008 – March 2010. Postdoctoral Fellow, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan, April 2010 – March 2012. Assistant Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, April 2012 – March 2020. Associate Professor, Department of Marine Bioscience, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Fukui Prefectural University, Fukui, Japan, April 2020 – Present. |
Research Interest
Research Field | Physical Oceanography, Ocean Wave Dynamics |
Research Summary | My main research interests are in meso- and small-scale processes in the ocean interior spanning a broad area from the open ocean to coastal seas, especially their generation and dissipation mechanisms and impacts on large-scale ocean circulation. I am exploring these issues through a combination of theory, numerical simulations, and observations. Specific research topics include: 1. Turbulent mixing in the deep ocean - Dynamics of topographically trapped diurnal internal tides and associated bottom-intensified mixing in mid- to high-latitude regions such as the Kuril Straits connecting the Okhotsk Sea to the North Pacific Ocean - Theoretical formulation and global estimation of the energy conversion rate from subinertial surface tides to topographically trapped internal tides - Evaluation of the effects of diapycnal mixing on large-scale ocean circulation and global climate using ocean general circulation models and coupled climate models 2. Mesoscale features in strong ocean currents - Dynamics of the Kuroshio path variation south of Japan, especially the transition from the nonlarge meander path to the large meander path due to baroclinic instability enhanced over a local seamount - A general stability condition of a flow over bottom topography derived using the pseudoenergy conservation law and its application to the large meander path of the Kuroshio - Generation mechanism of tropical instability waves in the equatorial Pacific Ocean in terms of resonant Rossby wave coupling and their decay mechanism due to internal wave radiation |
Keywords | Waves in the Ocean (Internal Gravity Waves, Rossby Waves, Coastal Waves, Equatorial Waves, etc.), Bottom Topography, Tides, Turbulent Mixing, Boundary Currents, Barotropic and Baroclinic Instability, Mesoscale Eddies, Ocean General Circulation, Climate Variability |
Selected Publications
[Peer-Reviewed Publications]
Hibiya, T., Y. Tanaka, T. Nagai, and Y. Hirano, 2024: Revisiting tide-induced near-field mixing in the abyssal ocean, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL111217,
Tanaka, Y., 2024: Superinertial internal tides propagating along the coast: dynamics and energetics revealed through topographic modes, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54, 2321-2336,
Tanaka, Y., 2023: Energy conversion rate from subinertial surface tides to internal tides, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, 1355-1374,
Tanaka, Y., 2021: Stability of a flow over bottom topography: A general condition and a linear analysis in a two-layer quasi-geostrophic model with a possible application to a Kuroshio meander, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 126, e2021JC017849,
Kawasaki, T., H. Hasumi, and Y. Tanaka, 2021: Role of tide-induced vertical mixing in the deep Pacific Ocean circulation, Journal of Oceanography, 77, 173–184,
Tanaka, Y., and T. Hibiya, 2019: Generation mechanism of tropical instability waves in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 2901–2915,
Yang, W., T. Hibiya, Y. Tanaka, L. Zhao, and H. Wei, 2019: Diagnostics and energetics of the topographic Rossby waves generated by a typhoon propagating over the ocean with a continental shelf slope, Journal of Oceanography, 75, 503–512,
Onuki, Y., and Y. Tanaka, 2019: Instabilities of finite-amplitude internal wave beams, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 7527–7535,
Yang, W., T. Hibiya, Y. Tanaka, L. Zhao, and H. Wei, 2018: Modification of parametric subharmonic instability in the presence of background geostrophic currents, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 12957–12962,
Tatebe, H., Y. Tanaka, Y. Komuro, and H. Hasumi, 2018: Impact of deep ocean mixing on the climatic mean state in the Southern Ocean, Scientific Reports, 8:14479,
Tanaka, Y., and T. Hibiya, 2017: Effects of Koshu Seamount on the development of baroclinic instability leading to the Kuroshio large meander, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47, 2563–2576,
Nishina, A., H. Nakamura, J.-H. Park, D. Hasegawa, Y. Tanaka, S. Seo, and T. Hibiya, 2016: Deep ventilation in the Okinawa Trough induced by Kerama Gap overflow, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121, 6092–6102,
Tanaka, Y., T. Hibiya, and H. Sasaki, 2015: Downward lee wave radiation from tropical instability waves in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean: A possible energy pathway to turbulent mixing, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 120, 7137–7149,
Yagi, M., I. Yasuda, T. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. Ono, K. I. Ohshima, and K. Katsumata, 2014: Re-evaluation of turbulent mixing vertical structure in the Bussol' Strait and its impact on water-masses in the Okhotsk Sea and the North Pacific, Progress in Oceanography, 126, 121–134,
Itoh, S., Y. Tanaka, S. Osafune, I. Yasuda, M. Yagi, H. Kaneko, S. Konda, J. Nishioka, and Y. N. Volkov, 2014: Direct breaking of large-amplitude internal waves in the Urup Strait, Progress in Oceanography, 126, 109–120,
Tanaka, Y., I. Yasuda, S. Osafune, T. Tanaka, J. Nishioka, and Y. N. Volkov, 2014: Internal tides and turbulent mixing observed in the Bussol Strait, Progress in Oceanography, 126, 98–108,
Tanaka, T., I. Yasuda, Y. Tanaka, and G. S. Carter, 2013: Numerical study on tidal mixing along the shelf break in the Green Belt in the southeastern Bering Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 118, 6525–6542,
Tanaka, Y., I. Yasuda, H. Hasumi, H. Tatebe, and S. Osafune, 2012: Effects of the 18.6-year modulation of tidal mixing on the North Pacific bidecadal climate variability in a coupled climate model, Journal of Climate, 25, 7625–7642,
Tanaka, Y., T. Hibiya, and Y. Niwa, 2010b: Assessment of the effects of tidal mixing in the Kuril Straits on the formation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40, 2569–2574,
Tanaka, Y., T. Hibiya, Y. Niwa, and N. Iwamae, 2010a: Numerical study of K1 internal tides in the Kuril straits, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 115, C09016,
Tanaka, Y., T. Hibiya, and Y. Niwa, 2007: Estimates of tidal energy dissipation and diapycnal diffusivity in the Kuril Straits using TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 112, C10021,
Nagasawa, M., T. Hibiya, K. Yokota, Y. Tanaka, and S. Takagi, 2007: Microstructure measurements in the mid-depth waters of the North Pacific, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L05608, (AGU Journal Highlight).
Community Engagement
Educational Activites
Classes | Introduction to Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, Environmental Hydraulics, Introductory Fieldwork in Marine Biological Sciences II, Basic Laboratory of Marine Ecosystem Engineering, Marine Ecological Engineering, etc. |
Office Hour | |
Available Topics |