
Tahara Daisuke



Affiliation Faculty of Marine Science and Technology / Department of Marine Bioscience
Title Professor
Room Research Center for Marine Bioresources 研究員室1 (Extension0770-52-7305)
E-mail tahara ( at = @ )
Education Graduate School of Hokkaido Univ.
Academic Societies Japanese Society of Fisheries Science
Zoological Society of Japan
Japan Society for Comparative Endocrinology
Japanese Society for Aquaculture Research
The Ichthyological Society of Japan
The Ecology and Civil Engineering Society
Career 1997-2008 Assistant Professor at Fukui Pref. Univ.
2005-2006 Visiting Professor at Toronto Univ.
2009-2012 Associate Professor at Fukui Pref. Univ
pres. Associate Professor .

Research Interest

Research Field Fish Physiology and Ecology, Aquaculture
Research Summary Reproductive physiology of fish
Conservation of the endangered freshwater fish
Keywords freshwater-fish endangered-fish aquaculture

Selected Publications

1.D. Tahara and I. Yano (2001) III. Utilization for fisheries feed, Gracilaria (Rhodopyla) Utilization and Prospect (edited by R. Terada, M. Notoya and M. Ohono), pp 111-118, .Koseisha-Koseikaku Publisher, Tokyo (in Japanese)

2.D. Tahara (2011) What is the function of parasperm in freshwater sculpins? Diversity of Cottoid Fishes-Adaptation and Evolution (eds by H. Munehara, A. Goto, and M. Yabe) pp.144-155. Tokai University Press, Tokyo (in Japanese)

Fouspine scuipins, Cottus kazika, collected from the Chkusa River flowing into the Seto Island Sea, Japanese Journal of Ichthyology: in press (in Japanese)

Evaluation of maturity of the kuruma prawn Marsupenaeus japonicus by ovary shadow ratio. 2013, Aquaculture Science 61: 119-120. (in Japanese)

New record of a gobiid fish, Redigobius bikolanus (Herre, 1927) from Fukui Prefecture, Japan. 2011, Nankiseibutu 53: 164-165 (in Japanese)

Teleost IL-6 promotes antibody production through STAT3 signaling via IL-6R and gp130. 2012, Developmental and Comparative Immunology 38: 224-231

Annual changes in testicular development and occurrence of parasperm in the male reproductive organs of fourspine sculpin, Cottus kazika. 2010, Ichthyological Research 57, pp 62-70.

Indicator for identification of egg quality and characteristics of abnormal oocytes collected from cultured broodstocks of fourspine sculpin Cottus kazika. 2007, Nippon Suisan Gakkishi 73: 718-725. (in Japanese)

Annual changes in gonadal histology and serum profiles of sex steroids in KAJIKA, Cottus sp. SE (small egg type), under rearing conditions. 2007, Japanese Journal of Ichthyology 54: 173-186. (in Japanese)

Appearance of residual eggs and effects on ovarian maturation in the cultured broodstocks of fourspine sculpins Cottus kazika. 2008 Aquaculture Science 56: 37-43. (in japanese)

Hemolymph vitellogenin levels during final maturation and post-spawning in the female kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. 2005. Aquaculture, 245, pp. 311-319.

Monoclonal antibodies recognizing serum immunoglobulins and surface immunoglobulin-positive cells of puffer fish, torafugu (Takifugu rubripes). 2004. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 17, pp. 211-222.

Partial purification of Kuchijirosho causative agent by sodium iotalamate density gradient centrifugation. 2004. Fish Pathology, 39, pp. 213-214.

Biochemical characterization and immunohistochemical identification of vitellin in the ovary of kuruma prawn (Marsupenaeus japonicus). 2004. Suisanzoshoku, 52, pp. 341-349.

Maturation-related variations in prostaglandin and fatty acid contents of ovary in the kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. 2004. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 137A, pp. 631-637.

Development of hemolymph prostaglandins assay systems and their concentration variations during ovarian maturation in the kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus. 2004. Aquaculture 220,, pp. 795-804.

Experimental infection of several fish species with the causative agent of Kuchijirosho (snout ulcer disease) derived from the tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes . 2001. Dis. Aquat. Org., Vol. 47, pp.193-199.

Preliminary studies on the effect of lipid extracted from ogonori, Gracilaria vermiculophylla, on the growth of kuruma prawn, Penaeus japonicus. 2001. Suisanzoshoku, 49, pp. 415-416.

Diel variation in branchial calcium uptake by the rainbow trout. 1996. J. Fish Biol. 49, pp. 1034-1037.

Frequency and spacing in the circulus formation of scales in the goldfish, Carassius auratus: consequence of temperature and rations. 1993. Bull. Fac. Fish. Hokkaido Univ. 44, pp. 87-94.

Community Engagement

Educational Activities

Classes Aquaculture of Marine Animal
Office Hour
Available Topics Studies of the fourspine sculpins in Fukui Pref. (aquaculture, seed-production, conservation, the traditional culture of fourspine sculpins in the Kuzuryu River)

Additional Information