Faculty of Economics
The study of economics and business: key to a successful modern society in a specialized small-class environment
Faculty of Economics
The study of economics and business is essential for us to understand, analyze and judge trends in contemporary society and corporations. This faculty offers a wide range of study areas in this field utilizing a systematic approach, which includes financial theory, financial science, history, accounting, bookkeeping, Asian studies, information systems, community development, and marketing. Our small-group teaching system has helped realize our goal of face-to-face personal education, and we also offer opportunities for global research, with a focus on local society and East Asian countries and inter-departmental research between economics and business. Through this, we aim to cultivate individuals who are eager to learn and use their knowledge of economics and business in a systematic way, and present it from different points of view.
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- 福井県立大学
- 〒910-1195 福井県永平寺町松岡兼定島4-1-1
TEL : 0776-61-6000 FAX : 0776-61-6011
E-mail : so-kikaku@fpu.ac.jp