
池田 美穂いけだ みほ


所属 生物資源学部
職名 准教授
研究室 生物資源学部棟614室 (内線 3614)
E-mail mikeda (末尾に「」をつけてください)
最終学歴 筑波大学大学院博士課程 生物科学研究科 修了
学位 博士(理学)
所属学会 日本植物生理学会
職歴 2003年4月 国際科学振興財団 研究員
2006年4月 産業技術総合研究所 ポスドク
2011年4月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(RPD)
2014年4月 埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科 戦略的研究部門 准教授
2022年4月 現職


専門 植物分子生理学
研究活動の紹介 ・植物の転写抑制因子の機能解析

キーワード 植物転写因子、植物組織培養



Ikeda, M*., Mitsuda, N., Ishizuka, T., Satoh, M. and Ohme-Takagi, M. The CIB1 transcription factor regulates light- and heat inducible cell elongation via a two-step HLH/bHLH system. J Exp Bot. 72, 1795-1808. (2021).

Ikeda, M*., Takahashi, M., Fujiwara, S., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M. Improving the efficiency of adventitious shoot induction and somatic embryogenesis via modification of WUSCHEL and LEAFY COTYLEDON 1. Plants (Basel) 9, 1434. (2020).

Sato, H*., Takasaki, H., Takahashi, F., Suzuki, T., Iuchi, S., Mitsuda, N., Ohme-Takagi, M., Ikeda, M., Seo, M., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., and Shinozaki, K*. Arabidopsis thaliana NGATHA1 transcription factor induces ABA biosynthesis by activating NCED3 gene during dehydration stress. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115, E11178-E11187. (2018).

Sanagi, M., Lu, Y., Aoyama, S., Morita, Y., Mitsuda, N., Ikeda, M., Ohme-Takagi, M., Sato, T., and Yamaguchi, J*. Sugar-responsive transcription factor bZIP3 affects leaf shape in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 35, 167-170. (2018).

Shin, J.M., Chung, K., Sakamoto, S., Kojima, S., Yeh, C.M., Ikeda, M., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. The chimeric repressor for the GATA4 transcription factor improves tolerance to nitrogen deficiency in Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 34, 151-158. (2017).

Rymen, B., Kawamura, A., Schäfer, S., Breuer, C., Iwase, A., Shibata, M., Ikeda, M., Mitsuda, N., Koncz, C., Ohme-Takagi, M., Matsui, M., and Sugimoto, K*. ABA suppresses root hair growth via the OBP4 transcriptional regulator. Plant Physiol. 173, 1750-1762. (2017).

Nagatoshi, Y., Ikeda, M., Kishi, H., Hiratsu, K., Muraguchi, A., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. Induction of a dwarf phenotype with IBH1 may enable increased production of plant-made pharmaceuticals in plant factory conditions. Plant Biotechnol J 14, 887-894. (2015).(第一著者と第二著者の貢献は同等)

Ikeda, M., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. ATBS1 INTERACTING FACTORs negatively regulate Arabidopsis cell elongation in the triantagonistic bHLH system. Plant Signal Behav 8, e23448. (2013).

Ikeda, M., Fujiwara, S., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. A triantagonistic basic helix-loop-helix system regulates cell elongation in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 4483-4497. (2012).

Nishizawa-Yokoi, A., Nosaka, R., Hayashi, H., Tainaka, H., Maruta, T., Tamoi, M., Ikeda, M., Ohme-Takagi, M., Yoshimura, K., Yabuta, Y., and Shigeoka, S*. HsfA1d and HsfA1e involved in the transcriptional regulation of HsfA2 function as key regulators for the Hsf signaling network in response to environmental stress. Plant Cell Physiol. 52, 933-945. (2011).

Mitsuda, M*., Takiguchi, Y., Shikata, M., Sage-Ono, K., Ono, M., Sasaki, K., Yamaguchi, H., Narumi, T., Tanaka Y., Sugiyama, M., Yamamura, T., Terakawa, T., Gion, K., Suzuri, R., Tanaka, Y., Nakatsuka, T., Kimura, S., Nishihara, M., Sakai, T., Endo-Onodera, R., Saitoh, K., Isuzugawa, K., Oshima, Y., Koyama, T., Ikeda, M., Narukawa, M., Matsui, K., Nakata, M., Ohtsubo, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. The new FioreDB database provides comprehensive information on plant transcription factors and phenotypes induced by CRES-T in ornamental and model plants. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 28, 123-130. (2011).

Ikeda, M., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. Arabidopsis HsfB1 and HsfB2b act as repressors of the expression of heat-inducible Hsfs but positively regulate the acquired thermotolerance. Plant Physiol 157, 1243-1254. (2011).

Mitsuda, N*., Ikeda, M., Takada, S., Takiguchi, Y., Kondou, Y., Yoshizumi, T., Fujita, M., Shinozaki, K., Matsui, M., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. Efficient yeast one-/two-hybrid screening using a library composed only of transcription factors in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol 51, 2145-2151. (2010).

Ishii, K., Amanai, Y., Kazama, Y., Ikeda, M., Kamada, H., and Kawano, S*. Analysis of BAC clones containing homologous sequences on the end of the Xq arm and on chromosome 7 in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. Genome 53, 311-320. (2010).

Ikeda, M., Mitsuda, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. Arabidopsis WUSCHEL is a bifunctional transcription factor that acts as a repressor in stem cell regulation and as an activator in floral patterning. Plant Cell 21, 3493-3505. (2009b).

Ikeda, M., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. A novel group of transcriptional repressors in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Physiol 50, 970-975. (2009a).

Mitsuda, N., Umemura, Y., Ikeda, M., Shikata, M., Koyama, T., Matsui, K., Narumi, T., Aida, R., Sasaki, K., Hiyama, T., Higuchi, Y., Ono, M., Isuzugawa, K., Saito, K., Endo, R., Ikeda, K., Nakatsuka, T., Nishihara, M., Yamamura, S., Yamamura, T., Terakawa, T., Ohtsubo, N., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. FioreDB: a database of phenotypic information induced by the chimeric repressor silencing technology (CRES-T) in Arabidopsis and floricultural plants. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 25, 37-43. (2008).

Ogata, Y., Iizuka, M., Nakayama, D., Ikeda, M., Kamada, H., and Koshiba, T*. Possible involvement of abscisic acid in the induction of secondary somatic embryogenesis on seed-coat-derived carrot somatic embryos. Planta 221, 417-423. (2005).

Ikeda, M*., Matsumura, M., and Kamada, H. Suitability of small and branching sunflower varieties for molecular genetic experiments and their transformation by Agrobacterium infection. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 22, 97-104. (2005).

Ikeda-Iwai, M*., Umehara, M., Satoh, S., and Kamada, H. Stress-induced somatic embryogenesis in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J 34, 107-114. (2003).

Ikeda-Iwai, M*., Satoh, S., and Kamada, H. Establishment of a reproducible tissue culture system for the induction of Arabidopsis somatic embryos. J Exp Bot. 53, 1575-1580. (2002).


Ikeda, M*., Takasaki, H., and Mitsuda, N. Thermomemory in shoot apical meristem: regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and stem cell identitiy. Mol Plants 14, 1427. (2021).

Ikeda, M., and Ohme-Takagi, M*. TCPs, WUSs, and WINDs: families of transcription factors that regulate shoot meristem formation, stem cell maintenance, and somatic cell differentiation. Front Plant Sci 5, 427. (2014).

Mitsuda, N., Matsui, K., Ikeda, M., Nakata, M., Oshima, Y., Nagatoshi, Y., and Ohme-Takagi*, M. CRES-T, an effective gene silencing system utilizing chimeric repressors. Methods Mol Biol, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 754, 87-105. (2011).

Umehara, M*., Ikeda, M., and Kamada, H. Endogenous factors of plant embryogenesis; recent advance. Da Silva J.A.T (ed.) Jpn J Plant Sci 1, Global Science Books 1, 1-6. (2007).

Ikeda, M.*, and Kamada, H. Comparison of molecular mechanisms of somatic and zygotic embryogenesis. In: Mujib A and Samaj J (ed.) Somatic Embryogenesis. Plant Cell Monographs, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 2, 51-68. (2006).

Ikeda, M*., Umehara, M., and Kamada, H. Embryogenesis-related genes; Its expression and roles during somatic and zygotic embryogenesis in carrot and Arabidopsis. Plant Biotechnol (Tokyo) 23, 153-161. (2006).

池田美穂、永利友佳理、光田展隆、高木優 “植物工場に適した植物の開発技術” 月刊バイオインダストリー 4月号 pp 53-61. (2014).

池田美穂 “植物組織と細胞の培養 (第4章4.5)” “植物組織と細胞の分別 (第6章6.2)” 野村港二編「細胞生物学実験法」朝倉書店 pp 72-75、90-92. (2007).


平成26年~平成27年 埼玉大学産学官連携協議会 「植物工場研究会」 理事
平成27年~平成31年 埼玉大学産学官連携協議会 「アグリビジネス研究会」 理事
令和2年6月~令和4年3月 NPOそよかぜ 副代表理事


担当科目 遺伝学II、生物学II(分担)、生物学実験(分担)など
オフィスアワー 12:10~13:00
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど ・植物バイオテクノロジーに関すること
