
植松 宏平うえまつ こうへい



所属 生物資源学部 / 生物資源学科生物資源学研究科
職名 准教授
研究室 生物資源学部棟304号室 (内線 3304)
E-mail kuematsu (末尾に「」をつけてください)
最終学歴 長崎大学大学院生産科学研究科博士後期課程
学位 博士(工学)
所属学会 日本分析化学会、日本ポーラログラフ学会、電気化学会
職歴 2009 福井県立大学生物資源学部 助教
2012 講師
2019 現職


専門 電気化学、分析化学、酵素化学
研究活動の紹介 電気分析法を用いて、生体関連物質の関与する種々の反応を解析・解明しています。
キーワード 分析化学、電気化学、酵素化学


"Voltammetric study of adsorption layers of various 4-pyridyl terminated surfactants on a Au(1 1 1) electrode: Effects of electronic property of pyridyl group and intermolecular hydrogen bonding upon potential-driven phase changes", Kohei Uematsu, Takamasa Sagara, J.Electroanal. Chem., 623, 109-119, (2008).

"Voltammetric study of insoluble 4-pyridyl-terminated surfactant binary-component films prepared by multiple horizontal touching method on a Au(1 1 1) electrode", Kohei Uematsu, Takamasa Sagara, Colloids and Surfaces A, 335, 43-49, (2009).

"Promotion effect by ε-poly-L-lysine on the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase with ferricyanide ion as an oxidant", Kohei Uematsu, Misato Yamasaki, Takao Hibi, Hajime Katano, Anal. Sci., 28, 657-660 (2012).

"Evaluation of an electrochemical method for the analysis of enzymatic inhibition reactions", Kohei Uematsu, Hajime Katano, Anal. Sci., 29, 25-29 (2013).

"Promotion and suppression effects of cationic polymer ε-poly-L-lysine on the glucose oxidase reaction with ferrocene derivatives as oxidants with different charges", Kohei Uematsu, Yuto Minami, Shu Taira, Hajime Katano, Anal. Sci., 30, 299-303 (2014).

"Voltammetric study of the transfer of ε-poly-L-lysine at nitrobenzene | water interface", K. Uematsu, Yuto Minami, Chitose Maruyama, Yoshimitsu Hamano, Hajime Katano, J. Electroanal. Chem. 719, 138-142 (2014).

"Ion-transfer voltammetry of streptothricin antibiotics with differently sized lysine oligomers at a nitrobenzene | water interface", K. Uematsu, Chitose Maruyama, Yoshimitsu Hamano, Hajime Katano, J. Electroanal. Chem. 754, 143-147 (2015).

"Colorimetric method to detect ε-poly-L-lysine using glucose oxidase", K. Uematsu, T. Ueno, K. Ushimaru, C. Maruyama, Y. Hamano, and H. Katano, J. Biosci. Bioeng., 150, 513-518 (2016).

"Promotion effect of streptothricin on a glucose oxidase enzymatic reaction and its application to a colorimetric assay", K. Uematsu, T. Ueno, H. Kawasaki, C. Maruyama, Y. Hamano, and H. Katano, Anal. Sci. 34, 143-148 (2018).

"Effect of ε-poly-L-lysine on a glucose sensor based on glucose oxidase and ferricyanide ion", K. Uematsu, T. Ueno, and H. Katano, Anal. Sci. 34, 947-951 (2018).

"Determination of polyhexamethylene biguanide utilizing a glucose oxidase enzymatic reaction", K. Uematsu, A. Shinozaki, and H. Katano, Anal. Sci. 35, 1021-1025 (2019).

"Bioelectrochemical Studies on Oxidoreductases and Natural Polyamino Compounds", K. Uematsu, Rev. Polaro., 66(1), 13-22, (2020).

"Ion-Transfer Voltammetry at Fluorous Ether | Water interfaces", K. Uematsu, Y. Matsubara, H. Katano, and T. Osakai, Anal. Sci., 37, 1379-1383, (2021).

"Fluorination Effect on the Gibbs Transfer Energy for Methylene Group from 1,2-Dichloroethane or 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5- Decafluoropentane to Water" K. Uematsu, J. Yamagata, H. Sakae, H. Katano, and T. Osakai, Anal. Sci., 37, 1707-1712, (2021).

"Determination of polyanion utilizing a promoted glucose oxidase enzymatic reaction by ε-poly-L-lysine" K. Uematsu, T. Ueno, and H. Katano, Anal. Sci., 38, 1333-1337, (2022).

"Determination of protamine and heparin based on their effects on a glucose oxidase enzymatic reaction" K. Uematsu, T. Ueno, and H. Katano, Anal. Sci., 39, 1561-1566, (2023)




担当科目 生物物理化学I、化学実験、生物化学実験、食品生化学実験、生物物理化学実験、応用生化学演習
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど 酸化還元酵素を用いた電気分析、固/液界面における分子膜の電位応答挙動、フルオラス溶媒を用いた電気分析、多価イオンの分析
