富永 修とみなが おさむ
専門 | 資源生物学 |
研究活動の紹介 | 水圏における生物多様性をキーワードとして遺伝的多様性から生態系多様性のレベルでの研究を進めています。具体的には、1)河口域における生物生産への陸域生態系と海域生態系の連環の寄与、2)人為的インパクトを強くうける陸海境界領域における生物多様性の成立過程の解明、3)在来集団の遺伝的多様性への人工種苗放流魚による影響の評価と管理に関して研究を進めています。 |
キーワード | 生物多様性 遺伝的多様性 森川里海のつながり 保全生態学 環境保全 食物網構造 育種 栽培漁業 資源管理 外来生物 海底湧水と生物生産 |
富永 修 湧き水が沿岸生態系を支える.森里海を結ぶ4 いのちの循環「森里海」の現場から 未来世代へのメッセージ72 田中 克(監修)地球環境自然学講座編,花乱社 福岡,127-130,2022,ISBN978-4-910038-46-9.
富永 修 魚をつくることだけが養殖ではありません,福井県立大学ブックレット① 水産増養殖と環境まちづくり(福井県立大学海洋生物資源学部編),福井県立大学,9-14,2020.ISSN 2436-052X
Shoji J. and O. Tominaga :Relationships Between Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Coastal Fisheries as a Water-Food Nexus. In The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Human-environmental Security in the Asia-Pacific Ring of fire (Eds. Endo A. ,Oh T ), Springer Nature, ISBN:978-981-10-7382-3, (doi:10.1007/978-981-10-7383-0. Mar. 2018)
富永 修・西 沙織・堀部七海 第6章 貝殻中の炭素安定同位体比による海底湧水環境の評価 地下水・湧水を介した陸-海のつながりと人間社会(小路 淳、杉本 亮、富永 修 編)、厚生社恒星閣,東京,2017.
富永 修・佐藤専寿:第8章 みえる水・みえない水がうみだす里地・里山・里海のつながりと生物多様性 ~水は“森と海”をつなぐキューピッド~,福井県大学連携リーグ双書Ⅳ 里地里山里海の生きもの学,福井県大学連携リーグ,福井,169-188, 2014.
若狭のおさかな 改訂版 福井県立大学県民双書x(青海忠久編)、晃洋書房,京都,31-62, 2011.
安定同位体分析を始める人たちへ. 安定同位体スコープで覗く海洋生物の生態(富永 修・高井則之編),厚生社恒星閣,東京,9-30,2008.
沿岸域の底生生物生産への陸上有機物の貢献.森川海のつながりと河口・沿岸域の生物生産 (山下洋・田中克編),厚生社恒星閣,東京,46-58, 2008.
若狭のおさかな 福井県立大学県民双書ⅴ(吉中禮二編)、31-57, 2007.
油流出汚染の生態的影響:偶発事故と沿岸生態系の長期変化(Michel Glemarec 著) ,国際シンポジウム油の海洋流出と環境保全(中村 充・大竹臣哉編), 69-83, 丸善プラネット株式会社, 東京,1999. (訳)
北の魚たち. 415pp, 北日本海洋センター, 札幌, 1991. (共著)
松井 明, 小原 隆紀, 小松崎 善成, 富永 修 絶滅危惧種かつ漁獲対象種であるシロウオ Leucopsarion petersiiの小浜湾浅海域における時空間的分布.保全生態学研究 早期公開: April 28, 2022
富永 修・竹内 優 安定同位体トレーサーで環境と沿岸生物をつなぐ 月刊海洋,53(12),652-658, 2021.
栗田 豊・富永 修・白井厚太朗・陀安一郎 多元素同位体を用いた魚類の移動履歴推定-最新の技術と応用- 月刊海洋,53(12),599-602, 2021.
J Fujita, DT Drumm, A Iguchi, O Tominaga, Y Kai, Y Yamashita Small vs. large eggs: comparative population connectivity and demographic history along a depth gradient in deep-sea crangonid Argis shrimps. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 134 (3), 650-666,2021.
小林志保,生田健吾,杉本亮,本田尚美,山田誠,富永修,小路淳,谷口真人.2019 山形県釜磯海岸における海底湧水の定量化と栄養塩環境への影響評価.日本水産学会誌.85(1),30-39,2019.
岩谷芳自・根本 茂・中嶋 登・富永 修 稚アユ飼育における給餌量と飼料効率を用いた新たな飼育重量推定法.水産技術,12(1), 1-6, 2019.
Fujita, Koji ; Shoji, Jun ; Sugimoto, Ryo; Nakajima, Toshimi; Honda, Hisami; Takeuchi, Masaru; Tominaga, Osamu; Taniguchi, Makoto . Increase in Fish Production Through Bottom-Up Trophic Linkage in Coastal Waters Induced by Nutrients Supplied via Submarine Groundwater.FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE.7 2019. doi. 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00082
Toshimi Nakajima, Ryo Sugimoto, Osamu Tominaga, Masaru Takeuchi, Hisami Honda , Jun Shoji , and Makoto Taniguchi. Fresh and recirculated submarine groundwater discharge evaluated by geochemical tracers and a seepage meter at two sites in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Hydrology 2018, 5(4), 61;
Junta Fujita, David T Drumm, Akira Iguchi, Yuji Ueda, Yuho Yamashita, Masaki Ito, Osamu Tominaga, Yoshiaki Kai, Masahiro Ueno, Yoh Yamashita. Deep-sea phylogeographic structure shaped by paleoenvironmental changes and ongoing ocean currents around the Sea of Japan in a crangonid shrimp Argis lar. Zoological Science, Zoological science 34 (5), 406-413. doi:10.2108/zs170014
Tominaga O., Ryo Sugimoto, Katsuhiro Kitagawa, Masaru Takeuchi, Makoto Yamada, Jun Shoji, Hisami Honda, Shiho Kobayashi, Makoto Taniguchi(2017) The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium“Fisheries Science for Future Generations”,Symposium Proceedings, No. 05006
Masaru Takeuchi, Osamu Tominaga 1, Ryo Sugimoto , Katsuhiro Kitagawa , Makoto Yamada ,Hisami Honda , Jun Shoji , Shiho Kobayashi, Kengo Ikuta and Makoto Taniguchi(2017) The JSFS 85th Anniversary-Commemorative International Symposium“Fisheries Science for Future Generations”,Symposium Proceedings, No. 05005
Kobayashi S, Sugimoto R, Honda H, Miyata Y, Tahara D, Tominaga O, Shoji J, Yamada M, Nakada S, Taniguchi M. High-resolution mapping and time-series measurements of 222Rn concentrations and biogeochemical properties related to submarine groundwater discharge along the coast of Obama Bay, a semi-enclosed sea in Japan., Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 2017, 4:6 DOI: 10.1186/s40645-017 -0124-y
Daichi Nakano, Mitsunobu Kamiya, Osamu Tominaga: Molecular identification of macroalgal fragments in gut contents of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. Fisheries Science, 83, 425-432, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s12562-017-1080-6.
Tatsuya Utsunomiya, Masaki Hata, Ryo Sugimoto, Hisami Honda, Shiho Kobayashi, Yoji Miyata, Makoto Yamada, Osamu Tominaga, Jun Shoji, Makoto Taniguchi: Higher species richness and abundance of fish and benthic invertebrates around submarine groundwater discharge in Obama Bay, Japan. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2017, 139-146.
Ryo Sugimoto, Katsuhiro Kitagawa, Saori Nishi, Hisami Honda, Makoto Yamada, Shiho Kobayashi, Jun Shoji, Shinji Ohsawa, Makoto Taniguchi, Osamu Tominaga. Phytoplankton primary productivity around submarine groundwater discharge in nearshore coasts. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 563 25-33 2017 doi: 10.3354/meps11980
富永修 二枚貝類の生物生産に対する地下水・海底湧水の寄与評価.日本水産学会誌82(5),812, 2016.
本田尚美,杉本亮,小林志保,田原大輔,富永修 小浜湾における一次生産過程の時空間変化.水産海洋研究 80(4),283-288. 2016
Ryo Sugimoto、Hisami Honda, Shiho Kobayashi, Yoshitake Takao,Daisuke Tahara, Osamu Tominaga, Makoto Taniguchi : Seasonal Changes in Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Transport into a Tideless Semi-enclosed Embayment (Obama Bay, Japan). Estuaries and Coasts, 2016, 13-26. doi: 10.1007/s12237-015-9986-7.
Yamamoto M, Tominaga O. Prey availability and daily growth rate of juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus at a sandy beach in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Fisheries Science, 80,1285-1292, 2014.
富永修,杉本亮,草野充,吉田丈人 安定同位体比分析で水産資源の栄養起源を探る.日本水産学会誌80,840, 2014.
Ryo Sugimoto, Takahisa Sato, Takehito Yoshida, Osamu Tominaga : Isotopic assessment of the relative importance of external and internal nitrogen loadings on phytoplankton production in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Mikata, Japan). Limnology and Oceano., 59(1), 37-47, 2014
Hisami Honda, Ryo Sugimoto, Shiho Kobayashi, Yoshitake Takao, Daisuke Tahara, Osamu Tominaga, Makoto Taniguchi : Submarine groundwater discharge in Obama Bay, Japan. Proceedings of the Global Congress on ICM: Lessons Learned to Address New Challenges, EMECS 10 -MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference, 1169-1176, 2013.
富永 修:ヒラメ放流適地の探索 -放流海域の餌生物環境を評価するために-.豊かな海,30,33-39,2013.
杉本 亮・笠井亮秀・佐藤専寿・富永 修:安定同位体比を利用した河口・沿岸域における懸濁態有機物の挙動と物質循環解析.沿岸海洋研究,51, 19–28., 2013
佐藤専寿・杉本亮・富永 修:安定同位体比およびC/Nから評価した小浜湾における堆積有機物の起源.水産海洋研究, 77, 1–9., 2013
石黒直哉・水野剛志・石田俊史・富永 修: Multiplex‐PCR法によるフクロアミ属2種の簡易識別法.DNA多型, 20, 114-118, 2012
松崎慎一郎・児玉晃治・照井 慧・武島弘彦・佐藤専寿・富永 修・前田英章・多田雅充・鷲谷いづみ・吉田丈人: モニタリングデータと生態学的特性から探る福井県三方湖流域の純淡水魚類相の変化とその要因. 保全生態学研究, 16(2),205-212,2011.
Masakane Oshima, Dominique Robert, Yutaka Kurita, Michio, Yoneda, Osamu Tominaga, Takeshi Tomiyama, Yoh Yamashita, Shinji Uehara : Do early growth dynamics explain recruitment success in Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus off the Pacific coast of northern Japan? J. Sea Res., 64, 94-101 ,2010.
K. Nohara, H. Takeuchi, T. Tsuzaki, N. Suzuki, O. Tominaga and T. Seikai : Genetic variability and stock structure of red tilefish Branchiostegus japonicus inferred from mtDNA sequence analysis. Fisheries Science, 76(1), 75-81 ,2010.
K. Nohara, T. Kokita, O. Tominaga and T. Seikai: Isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the whitegirdled goby (Pterogobius zonoleucus) and cross-species amplification in the serpentine goby (P. elapoides), Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 610-612, 2009.
前田芳彦・富永 修:イワムシの種苗生産と養殖技術開発.福井県立大学論集, 30, 203-213, 2008.
T. Satoh and O. Tominaga: Contribution of terrestrial organic matter to benthic bio-production in semi-enclosed bay Evidence from the stable isotope analysis. Proceeding of the 5th World Fisheries Congress, CD, 5a-0906-435, 2008.
O. Tominaga, Y. Ogura and Y. Mizuno: Diel Pattern of Activity of Two Different Habitat-types of Mysids, Sand-burrowing Archaeomysis japnonica and Epibenthic Nipponomysis imparis, and Feeding Selectivity of Japanese flounder Juveniles in Wada Beach, Wakasa Bay, Central Japan. Proceeding of the 5th World Fisheries Congress, CD, 1d-0184-241, 2008.
N. Ishiguro and O. Tominaga: Rapid and accurate identification of two sand-burrowing mysids, Archaeomysis japonica and A. vulgaris using multiplex polymerase chain reaction and loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Proceeding of the 5th World Fisheries Congress, CD, 5a-0906-435, 2008.
M. Yamamoto and O. Tominaga: Daily rations of two species of flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus and Tarphops oligolepis, and a goby Favonigobius gymnauchen and diel changes in food availability a sandy beach in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Fisheries Science, 73, 314-323, 2007.
T. Arai, O. Tominaga, T. Seikai and R. Masuda: Observational learning improves predator avoidance in hatchery-reared Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus juveniles. J. Sea Res., 58(1), 59-54.
Y. Tanaka, H. Yamaguchi, O. Tominaga, T. Tsusaki and M. Tanaka: Relationships between time of release and feeding performance of hatchery reared Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus : In situ release experiment in coastal area in Wakasa Bay, the Japan Sea. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 330, 511-520.
T. Kokita, K. Matsuoka, O. Tominaga and T. Seikai: Isolation and characterization of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci in a pelagic-spawning reef fish Hypodytes rubripinnis. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6, 210-211, 2006.
M. Yamamoto and O. Tominaga: Feeding habit of Favonigobius gymnauchen, Repomucenus spp. and Tarphops oligolepis in Ohama Beach of Hiuchi-Nada, the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Fisheries Science, 71(6), 1332 - 1340, 2005
Y. Watanabe, T. Seikai and O. Tominaga: Estimation of growth and food consumption in juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus using carbon stable isotope ratio δ13C under laboratory conditions. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 326, 187-197, 2005
Tominaga, O, M. Inoue, M. Kamata and T. Seikai: Reproductive Cycle of the Yellow Sea Bream Dentex tumifrons in Wakasa Bay, the Sea of Japan off central Honshu. Fisheries Science, 71(5), 1069 - 1077, 2005
Y. Tanaka, H. Yamaguchi, W. S. Gwak, O. Tominaga, T. Tsusaki and M. Tanaka: The influence of mass release of hatchery reared Japanese flounder on the feeding and growth of the wild juveniles in a nursery ground in the Japan Sea., J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 314(2), 137-147 (2005)
M.M. Shafieipour, T. Takahashi, K. Ishino, Y. Konno, H. Nakao, M. Sano, O. Tominaga, and T. Takatsu: Annual life period of adult marbled sole, Pleuronectes yokohamae in and near Kikonai Bay, Hokkaido, Japan., Suisanzoushoku.,52(4), 351-358, (2004)
M. Yamamoto, H. Makino, T. Kagawa and O. Tominaga: Occurrence and distribution of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in sandy beaches of the eastern Hiuchi-Nada Sea, the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan., Fisheries Science, 70(6), 1098 - 1105, 2004.
M. Yamamoto, H. Makino, J. Kobayashi and O. Tominaga: Feeding habit of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and food organism in the Ohama Beach of Hiuchi-Nada, the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan., Fisheries Science, 70(6), 1089 - 1097, 2004 .
Tominaga, O., Yukiko Kon and Mayumi Shiraishi: Latitudinal Variation in Reproductive Biology of Female Yellow Sea Bream Dentex tumifrons in the Sea of Japan (East Sea) and Yellow Sea., Proc of the ninth international symposium on the efficiency application and preservation of marine biological resources., 183-191,2004.
Tominaga, O, Tadahisa Seikai, Tatsuo Tsusaki , Yasushi Hondo , Naoto Murakami , Kinya Nogami , Yousuke Tanaka , and Masaru Tanaka : Daily ration of hatchery-reared Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus as an indicator of release place, time and fry quality. In situ direct estimation and possibility of new methods by stable isotope., UJNR. Tec. Rep., 30, 7-23, 2003.
Yamashita, Y., O. Tominaga, H. Takami and H. Yamada: Comparison of growth , feeding and cortisol level in stone flounder Platichhthys bicoloratus juveniles between estuarine and inshore nursery grounds., J. Fish. Biol. 63(3), 617-630, 2003.
Gwak, W.S.,, Y. Tanaka, O. Tominaga, Y. Hondou, T. Tsusaki, H. Fushimi and M. Tanaka: Field evaluation by RNA/DNA ratio on post-release nutritional status of released and wild Japanese flounder juveniles., J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 293,107-124, 2003.
Tominaga, O, Noriaki Uno and Tadahisa Seikai: Influence of diet shift from formula feed to live mysids on the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratio (δ13C andδ15N) in dorsal muscles of juvenile Japanese flounders, Paralichthys olivaceus. Aquaculture , 218, 265-276, 2003.
Tanaka Y., O. Tominaga, , T. Tsuzaki, and M. Tanaka: The factors influencing the growth and feeding of hatchery-raised Japanese flounder juveniles under various designs of experimental mass releases in the field. Fisheies Science, 68 (suppl. 1), 1008-1009, 2002.
Tominaga, O., M Watanobe, M. Hanyu, K. Domon , and Y. Watanabe, T. Takahashi : Nursery grounds and recruitment processes of pointhead flounder Hippoglossoides pinetorum in Ishikari Bay and vicinity areas, Hokkaido. Fisheies Science, 66(3), 442 - 451, 2000 .
Tanaka M., Y. Tanaka, T. Tsuzaki, K. Nogami, H. Fushimi, T. Seikai and O. Tominaga : Goal and present status of the UJNR cooperative research on juvenile flounder release overviewed from Japan side. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult., Suppl. 1, 125 - 133, 1999.
Tanaka Y., O. Tominaga,, T. Tsuzaki, K. Nogami, H. Fushimi andM. Tanaka : UJNR experimental release of Japanese flounder at Wada Beach, Wakasa Bay : Feeding habits of wild and released juveniles. Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Aquacult., Suppl. 1, 135 - 140, 1999.
Tominaga, O. and Y. Watanabe: Geographical dispersal and optimum release size of hatchery-reared Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus released in Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Sea Research, 40, 73-81,1998.
富永 修:北海道日本海におけるソウハチの加入機構.日本海ブロック試験研究収録, (35), 1-8, 1997.
Tominaga, O. , K. Inoguchi, Y. Watanabe, M. Yamaguchi, T. Nakatani and T. Takahashi: Age and growth of pointhead flounder Hippoglossoides pinetorum in Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido. Fisheies Science, 62(1), 215-221, 1996
Tominaga, O. K. Nashida, T. Maeda, and T. Takahashi :Seasonal changes in daily ration of brown sole Pleuronectes herzensteini in the coastal waters of northern Niigata prefecture, Japan. Proc. Int. Symp. North Pac. Flatfish, 261-284, 1995.
Tominaga, O : Stock enhancement study of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus, in Japan. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. on Efficient Application and Preservation of Mar. Bio. Resource, 189-198, 1995.
Tominaga, O., and Y. Watanabe: Movement of the tagged pointhead flounder Hippoglossoides pinetorum in southern Shiribeshi subprefecture, Hokkaido. Sci.Rep. Hokkaido Fish. Exp. Stn., (44), 29-31, 1994.
富永 修・馬渕正裕・石黒 等:北海道日本海で標識放流された天然ヒラメと人工種苗ヒラメの移動と成長. 水産増殖. 42(4), 593-600, 1994.
富永 修:北海道におけるヒラメ栽培漁業の現状と展望. 北日本漁業(北日本漁業経済学会誌),(22), 39-49, 1994.
富永 修・梨田一也:新潟県北部沿岸域におけるタマガンゾウビラメの産卵期と産卵水深. 日本海区水産研究所報告, (42), 41-47, 1992.
Sproul, J.T., and O. Tominaga: Economic review of the Japanese flounder stock enhancement project in Ishikari Bay, Hokkaido. Bull. Mar. Sci., 50(1), 75-88, 1992.
富永 修:ヒラメを例とした標識放流実験結果について. 北海道区水産研究所 技術報告, (2),27-30, 1991.
富永 修・梨田一也:新潟県北部沿岸域におけるマガレイと底性魚類の種間関係.日本海区水産研究所報告, (41), 11-26,1991.
富永 修:北海道西部沿岸域におけるキアンコウ漁獲量の急増. 北海道立水産試験場研究報告, (36), 13-17, 1991.
富永 修・梨田一也・高橋豊美・前田辰昭・加藤和範:新潟県北部沿岸域におけるマガレイ成魚群の生活年周期と分布. 日本水産学会誌, 57(11), 2023-2031, 1991.
広田祐一・富永 修・上原子次男・児玉公成・貞方 勉・田中 克・古田晋平・児島喜久雄・輿石裕一:日本海浅海域におけるアミ類の地理的分布. 日本海ブロック試験研究収録, (15), 43-57, 1989.
富永 修:石狩湾におけるソウハチ未成魚の生育場について. 水産海洋研究, 53(1), 29-33, 1989.
富永 修・小池幹雄・田村真樹・三宅博哉・三原行雄:石狩湾における底性魚類の生産構造 第1報 春期における底性魚類の群集構造と分布様式の類型化. 北海道立水産試験場研究報告, (30), 1-18, 1988.
高橋豊美・富永 修・前田辰昭:マガレイとマコガレイの摂餌と生残に及ぼす水温の影響. 日本水産学会誌,53(11),1905-1911,1987.
Nashida, K., and O. Tominaga : Studies on groundfish communities in the coastal waters of northern Niigata Prefecture. Seasonal changes of feeding habits and daily rations of young flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Bull. Jap. Sea Reg. Fish. Res. Lab.,(37), 39-56,1987.
梨田一也・富永 修・宮島英雄・伊藤光郎:新潟県北部沿岸域における底性魚類の群集構造.ヒラメ若令魚の日間摂餌量の推定 日本海区水産研究所報告, (34), 1-17,1984.
日本水産増殖学会評議員(平成16年から平成20年) 日本水産学会中部支部評議員(平成21年から福井県海浜自然センター事業運営委員
担当科目 | 水産資源学・山川里海連関学・海洋生物資源学概論・海と暮らし・資源育成学実習・地域活性化演習 |
オフィスアワー | |
相談・講演・共同研究等に応じられるテーマなど | 水圏における生物多様性(遺伝的多様性から景観多様性まで) 浅海生態系における低次生産有機物の高次栄養段階への輸送(構造と機能) 陸域起源有機物の浅海生態系への輸送および寄与 (山川里海連関) 沿岸浅海生態系の環境保全 人工種苗魚の放流、漁獲、資源管理手法が野生集団の生態および遺伝構造に与える影響 |