Faculty of Bioscience and Biotechnology

Commitment to cutting-edge bioresources research in the areas of food, pharmaceuticals and the environment
Faculty of Bioscience and Biotechnology
The study and research areas in this faculty cover plants, micro-organisms, proteins and genes. Mainly focusing on bioscience, biotechnology, and eco-technology, cutting-edge academic research is conducted to develop and utilize bioresources in the investigation and application of biofunctions. The faculty fosters individuals with a broad vision, high creativity and a self-motivating spirit in their quest for truth. These attributes are achieved through the learning of the basic applications and principles of biology and chemistry toward the advanced utilization of bioresources. Our goal is to contribute to the development of local communities, domestic and international industries and culture, through the cultivation of human resources which play an important role in food, pharmaceuticals and the environment.
Research Center for Bioresources Development
Futaomote, Awara City, Fukui Prefecture
Utilization of research outcomes in the real world
This research and education facility aims to put fundamental research outcomes into practice, covering areas such as functions and characteristics of grains, vegetables and flowers through gene analysis and the development of new breeding methods. It provides local communities access to research through industry-government-academia collaboration projects and biotechnology workshops for high school students. Furthermore, it conducts collaborative research with other universities both in Japan and overseas.